American Flag 30 mm x 15.5 mm OR 32 mm x 16.5 mm US 1 - $15.00 |
Flag Etiquette: when the flag is displayed vertically, the "Union" area of the Flag should be to the observer's upper left. The "Union" refers to the area with the stars. | ||
US Lg1 Eagle head w/flag (2.5"x5") - 95¢ |
US Lg2 Eagle w/ wings open (3"x5") - 95¢ |
US Lg3 Eagle w/ tribal flag (3"x5") - 95¢ |
US Lg4 Flaming Eagle (4"x2.5") - 95¢ |
US Lg5 Clawing Eagle (3"x4") - 95¢ |
US Lg6 Eagle Head (3"x4") - 95¢ |
US Lg7 Patriotic Eagle Flag (3.5"x3") - 95¢ |
US Lg8 Skin Flag (4"x3") - 95¢ |
USA Med1 Eagle head w/flag (2"x3") - 75¢ |
US Med2 Eagle w/ wings open (2"x3") - 75¢ |
US Med3 Eagle w/ tribal flag (2"x3") - 75¢ |
US Med4 Tribal Eagle (3"x3") - 75¢ |
US Med 5 Freedom Isn't Free (2"x3.5")- 75¢ |
US Med6 Eagle Head (3"x2") - 75¢ |
US Med7 Patriotic Star (2.5"x2.5")- 75¢ |
US Med8 USA (1.5"x3") - 75¢ |
US Med9 Flaming USA #1(2.5"x3") - 75¢ |
US Med10 These Colors Don't Run, USA Flag (3"x2.5") - 75¢ |
US Med11 Thin Blue Line Flag (3"x2") - 75¢ |
US Med12 Thin Red Line Flag (3"x2") - 75¢ |
USA Med13 Freedom (3"x2") - 75¢ |
US Sm1 Thin Red Line Flag (2"x1.5") - 45¢ |
US Sm2 Thin Blue Line Flag (2"x1.5") - 45¢ |
US Sm 3 Eagle Flag (2.5"x2") - 45¢ |
US Sm 4 Eagle Eye (1.5"x1.5")- 45¢ |
US Sm5 Clawing Eagle (2"x2") - 45¢ |
US Sm6 Patriotic heart (2"x1.5") - 45¢ |
US Sm7 Patriotic butterfly ( 2"x2") - 45¢ |
US Sm8 Patriotic Peace (2"x2.5") - 45¢ |
US Sm9 Red/Blue Star (1.5"x1.5") - 45¢ |
US Sm10 Patriotic Star (1.5"x1.5") - 45¢ |
US Sm11 Patriotic Star (1.5"x1.5") - 45¢ |
US Sm 12 Skin Flag (2.5"x2")- 45¢ |
US Sm13 Star (red center, 2"x2") - 45¢ |
US Sm14 Star (blue center, 2"x2") - 45¢ |
US Sm15 Yellow Ribbon (2.5"x1.5") - 45¢ |
US Sm 16 Eagle Sam (2"x2.5") - 45¢ |
US Sm 17 Flag Yin Yang (2"x2") - 45¢ |
US Sm18 USA Wavy Flag (2"x2") - 45¢ |
US Sm19 USA Flag (2"x1.5") - 45¢ |
US Sm20 Wavy Flag w/Eagle (2"x2") - 45¢ | |
US Sm21 Statue of Liberty (2"x2") - 45¢ |
US Sm22 RWB Ribbon (2"x2") - 45¢ |
US Sm23 USA Eagle (2"x2") - 45¢ |