Temporary Tattoos and Tags Logo

Call Us Today:   877-292-3074

(9am-9pm Central Time)
call for all inquires including custom tattoos and custom pendants

Email: edtwedt@tatsandtags.com

Holiday tattoos range in price between 45¢ and 95¢ each.

St. Patrick's Day Temporary Tattoos

St Patty's day is March 17th
There are more Celtic designs in our Celtic and Tribal Section

irish temporary tattoo I heart beer temporary tattoo green beer temporary tattoo
Irish - 45¢
StPat 1 - 2.5" x 2"
I Shamrock Beer - 45¢
StPat 2 - 2.5 x1.5"
Beer/shamrocks - 45¢
StPat 3 - 2.5" x 2"
4-leaf clover temporary tattoo lucky  temporary tattoo shamrock  temporary tattoo
4-leaf clover - 45¢
StPat 4 - 1.5" x 2"
Lucky - 45¢
StPat 5 - 2" x 2"
Shamrock- 45¢
StPat 6 - 2" x 2"
4-leaf clover temporary tattoo celtic knot temporary tattoo trinity knot temporary tattoo
4-leaf clover - 45¢
StPat 7 - 2" x 2"
Celtic Knot - 45¢
StPat 8 - 2" x 2"
Trinity Knot- 45¢
StPat 9 - 2" x 2"
Claddagh temporary tattoo Claddagh temporary tattoo bagpipes shamrock temporary tattoo
Claddagh - 45¢
StPat 10 - 2.5" x 2"
Shamrock - 45¢
Great Face Tattoo!
StPat 11- 1.5" x 1.5"
Shamrock w/bagpipe - 75¢

StPat 12- 2.5" x 2.5"
Irish temporary tattoo    
Irish Temporary Tattoo - 75¢
StPat 13 - 2" x 3"

Easter Temporary Tattoos

Add some fun to your Easter baskets and fill your plastic eggs with some temporary tattoos for your Easter Egg hunts.

Easter bunny temporary tattoo Jesus temporary tattoo Jesus temporary tattoo
Easter bunny - 45¢
Eas 1 - 2" x 1.5"
Jesus - 45¢
Eas 2 - 2" x 2.5"
Jesus - 75¢
Eas 3 - 4" x 1.5"
cross temporary tattoo large cross temporary tattoo  
Cross - 45¢
Eas 5 - 2" x 2.5"
Cross - 95¢
Eas 6 -3" x 4"

Earth Day Temporary Tattoo

earth day temporary tattoo
Earth Day - 45¢
view of earth from space - 2" x 2"

Cinco de Mayo (Tuesday, May 5th)

beer temporary tattoo beer and peppers temporary tattoo
Mexican flag - 75¢
Cinco 1 - 2.5" x 3.5"
Beer - 75¢
Cinco 2 - 3" x 2.5"
Beer and peppers - 45¢
Cinco 3 - 2.5" x 2"
Mexico eagle temporary tattoo chilli temporary tattoo dancing chili temporary tattoo
Mexico Eagle - 95¢
Cinco 4 - 3" x 3"
Medium Chili - 75¢
Cinco 5 - 3" x 2"
Dancing chili - 75¢
Cinco 6 - 3" x 2"
Chili pepper temporary tattoo    
Small Red Chili Pepper - 45¢
Cinco 7 - 1.5" x 2"

4th of July Temporary Tattoos

Below is just a small sampling of our patriotic temporary tattoo designs. See our patriotic page for our whole selection of patriotic designs which are proudly made in the USA. We also have military designs. Show off your red, white, and blue at your Indepence Day celebration parties.
patriotic butterfly temporary tattoo USA temporary tattoo patriotic heart temporary tattoo
Patriotic Butterfly - 45¢
Pat 1 - 2" x 2"
USA - 75¢
Pat 2- 3" x 1.5"
Patriotic Heart - 45¢
Pat 3 - 2" x 1.5"
patriotic star temporary tattoo flag temporary tattoo eagle sam temporary tattoo
Patriotic Star - 45¢
Pat 4 - 1.5" x 1.5"
USA - 45¢
Pat 5- 2" x 1.5"
Eagle Sam - 45¢
Pat 6 - 2.5" x 2"
wavy flag temporary tattoo flag with eagle temporary tattoo USA eagle temporary tattoo
Wavy Flag - 45¢
Pat 7 - 2" x 2"
Flag w/ Eagle - 45¢
Pat 8- 2" x 2"
USA Eagle - 45¢
Pat 9 - 2" x 2"

shop more 4th of July Temporary Tattoos in our patriotic section

Halloween Temporary Tattoos

halloween pumkin temporary tattoo bat temporary tattoo  
Pumkin - 45¢
Hal 1 - 1.5" x 1.5"
Bat - 45¢
Hal 2 - 2.5" x 1.5"

Day of the Dead (Dia de los Muertos)
October 31st - November 2nd

day of the dead sugar skull temporary tattoo day of the dead sugar skull temporary tattoo (large)  
Medium Sugar Skull - 75¢
DOD 1 - 2.5" x 3"
Large Sugar Skull - 95¢
DOD 2 - 3" x 3.5"

Veteran's Day
November 11th

Show your support with our Military and Patriotic designs on Veteran's Day.

All of the military branch designs below are also available in larger sizes, see our military page for the larger designs as well as our other patriotic and military braches designs.

Marin'es temporary tattoo Air Force temporary tattoo Army temporary tattoo
US Marines - 45¢
Vet 1 - 2" x 2"
US Air Force - 45¢
Vet 2 - 2" x 2"
US Army - 45¢
Vet 3 - 2" x 2"
Marine's temporary tattoo - gray Air Force temporary tattoo Coast Guard temporary tattoo
US Marines (Gray) - 45¢
Vet 4 - 2" x 2"
US Navy - 45¢
Vet 5 - 2" x 2"
US Coast Guard - 45¢
Vet 6 - 2" x 2"

Thanksgiving Temporary Tattoos

Turkey temporary tattoo Pilgrims temporary tattoo  
Turkey - 45¢
Thanks 1 - 2" x 2"
Pilgrims - 45¢
Thanks 2 - 2" x 1.5"

Christmas Temporary Tattoos

Santa temporary tattoo snowman temporary tattoo candy cane temporary tattoo
Santa - 45¢
Xmas 1 - 2" x 1.5"
Snowman - 45¢
Xmas 2 - 2" x 1.5"
Candycane - 45¢
Xmas 3 - 2" x 1.5"
Christmas tree temporary tattoo red stocking temporary tattoo Jesus temporary tattoo
Christmas tree - 45¢
Xmas 4 - 2" x 1.5"
Red Stocking - 45¢
Xmas 5 - 1.5" x 1.5"
Jesus - 75¢
Xmas 6 - 4" x 1.5"

Valentine's Day Temporary Tattoos:

Fun tattoos for Valentine's Day - great party favors

candy hearts temporary tattoo forever heart temporary tattoo red heart temporary tattoo
Candy Hearts - 45¢
Val 1 - 2" x 2"
Forever Heart - 45¢
Val 2 - 2" x 1.5"
Red Heart - 45¢
Val 3 - 1.5" x 1.5"
cupid temporary tattoo red rose temporary tattoo
kiss temporary tattoo
Cupid Heart - 45¢
Val 4 - 2" x 2"
Red Rose - 45¢
Val 5 - 2.5" x 1.5"
Kiss - 45¢
Val 6 - 2" x 1.5"
flying heart temporary tattoo red heart temporary tattoo
Daddys girl temporary tattoo
Flying Heart - 45¢
Val 7 - 2" x 2"
Red Heart - 45¢
Val 8 - 2" x 2"
Daddy's Girl - 75¢
Val 9 - 2.5" x 2.5"
